Have you done your spring cleaning yet? Whether you’re thinking about a little refresher for health or home, we thought this article from The Chalkboard was a timely case for apple cider vinegar’s many cleansing and nutritional benefits. Read on to learn what our seven favorite uses are that they detail, as well as find the link for all 25!Â
From The Chalkboard Mag:
From glossing up your hair to soothing sunburns, here are 25 ways to use this superstar superfood morning, noon, and night.
YOU PROBABLY already know that a shot of apple cider vinegar, or ACV, on the regular can help cleanse and balance your bod – but do you also know that it can do everything from cure insect bites to clean your dishwasher? Apple cider vinegar is kind of like the Meryl Streep of superfoods: there really isn’t anything it can’t do. James Colquhoun, co-founder of Food Matters and former TCM guest editor, gives us the lowdown on twenty five ways to use this superstar superfood morning, noon, and night…
When I was first introduced to apple cider vinegar when making the Food Matters movie, I was absolutely blown away by its incredible health benefits, and have continued to be astounded by this little elixir of goodness to this day.
*Note: I am talking about the organic, unfiltered, and raw version of apple cider vinegar, that contains the ‘mother’ strand of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria.
Things You Never Knew You Could Do with Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is known to kick metabolism into overdrive! An effective fat burner, it helps reduce overeating (allows you to recognize when you are full, quicker), speeds up the body’s metabolic rate and helps alkalize the body. For results, one to two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water should be consumed before each meal.
A simple cup of apple cider vinegar added to 3.5 liters of warm water makes for a super shiny antibacterial cleaner on most surfaces, including wooden floors and tiles. Too easy!
If you suffer an insect bite, a dab of apple cider vinegar and water (a 50/50 mixture) can be applied directly to the bite to alleviate pain and promote healing.
Instead of adding poisonous chemicals to your dishwashing machine to remove build-up, apple cider vinegar works just as well (if not better) and keeps it smelling fresh. Toss a cup of it into the bottom of an empty dishwasher and run a normal cycle.
Apple cider vinegar taken before meals helps break down proteins into amino acids. Such amino acids are instrumental in the creation of tryptophan, which plays an important role in the release of the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter, serotonin. This helps you feel relaxed and happy.
Apple cider vinegar contains enzymes which help prevent exhaustion. Add a tablespoon to a small glass of water.
Whenever I suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar sorts it out pronto! Helpful in breaking down food in the stomach, it is a natural and effective way to aid digestion.
Read the rest of The Chalkboard’s 25 ACV picks, here!
Image via The Chalkboard Mag
1 comment
I promised to myself that this year I will live healthier and I want to start with the apple cider vinegar! I will buy one organic bottle of this magical substance. Thanks a lot for sharing! Eastcote Carpet Cleaners Ltd.