1. Mornings are usually one of my FAVORITE parts of the day. They are, in particular, the time most people take to prepare for the day ahead. When it comes to me, I like taking a snippet of the morning for some me-time, just in case I don’t get time for me throughout the day or close to night. I do this by doing whatever makes me happy, reading, writing, crafts. When it comes to relaxing, reading and writing are a really good way to that. They both can immerse you in new worlds, different possibilities, a different outlook on life. Within books, you can loose yourself and follow someone elses journey. If I have a bad day, at least I know it started off great. Another way I prepare for the day is by being organised and making sure I have everything ready in case of emergencies. If I have something I need to complete like daily chores or working out, I try finish that off in the morning too, so the constant stress doesn’t keep bugging me throughout the day and I can relax. If I have anything I need to bring along with me I normally pack it at night so I DON’T forget in the morning. EVERY NIGHT I prepare things for the next day, so my workload DOESN’T end up skyrocketing. I also pamper myself so that I’m ready for the morning ahead. During the day, especially if I’m having a bad one, I reflect upon the time in the morning and rely on it to cheer me up, which it is always SUCCESSFUL on doing. Things that AREN’T so great can happen and its important to ACKNOWLEDGE them and give them the attention they deserve, so that you can get on with your day without having it replaying in the back of your mind. Injecting a bit of fun into life, even when you AREN’T having a bad day, is pretty important too. That can spice up your entire day and be the difference between a great day and a spectacular day. In the end it comes down to APPRECIATING what you’ve got and while it may seem selfish, sometimes you can find comfort in knowing that others AREN’T going great either. Its completely normal and its human nature.

  2. i like to set aside some time to enjoy a cu of coffee, read an inspiring article and this time serves as a way for me to CONTINUE to getting to know myself better.

  3. I write in a gratitude journal first thing… there was a time i slept in my car just to start my dream life… I wake up thankful for ceNtral ac and warm blankets… Its great to look at when i find my ego caught up in something totally temporary… And creates appreciaton for the things i adore (eSpecially when those things are so temporary, too) #liftyOurheart

  4. I’ve committed to beginning each day with an hour to myself. I complete morning pages, listen to a podcast that will uplift me, plan my tasks and have breakfast. Establishing a morning routine has been deeply valuable for preparing for my days and making sure they’re productive.

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