A side profile of a woman with her head titled back and her eyes closed

There will be times
When your heart is broken
You’ll sit alone at the table
A room of empty chairs
Silence echoing
You will weep

There will be times
When emotions pound at the door
You’ll cover your ears
And turn out the lights
Hoping they will leave

There will be times
When pain pulls up a chair
Heartbreak passes the salad
And you will break bread with fear
You will join hands and pray together

There will be times
When you send out invitations
They will RSVP and bring a side
You will hug them warmly at the door
And tell them they are welcome here

There will be times
When you lock up behind you
As you head out the front door
Into the sunshine
The warmth against your skin
Nourished, scarred, hopeful, wise and whole
All at once
And in a peculiar way
You’ll be grateful to your guests for the gifts they brought

What words of encouragement helped you during grief? How have you learned to deal with a broken heart?

Image via Lenne Chai, Darling Issue No. 23

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